Wow it's dusty here.
Seems like no one's posted in ages! Who's fault is that? Let's get 'em!
Oh. . . it's my fault? Oops. Sorry.
Fact is, lately, when I've had the time to write, I've not really had much crafty to say and when things have been super crafty, as they have of late, I haven't had the time to write. Plus, how many times can you read about me making log pillows?
So what have I been up to? Well, I did a play. Urinetown: the musical, where I played the part of Penelope Pennywise AND did all the costumes!
Here's a small taste:

And one with me!

That's me in the brown with the Wellies. Very glamorous, no? If you click on the above pics you can see even more shots from the show. It was very fun and so great to stretch my costuming muscles once again. Oooh, here's a great glamour shot:

Other than the show, I'm getting ready for Renegade Craft Fair in Chicago. It's my first time at Renegade Chicago and I'm so excited to do the show in it's hometown. What's even more exciting, though, is that I'll be sharing my booth with my Zombie Cross Stitch co-author Kristy Kizzee! We've never actually met in person but I already feel like she's long lost family.
This is also my first time in Chicago so if anyone has any suggestions regarding food, drink, and fun. Please let me know. And if you're in Chicago, please come and say, "hi!" We'll be selling autographed copies of the Zombie Kit and I have lots of new things I'm working on especially for this most Renegade of craft fairs.
ALSO! I've done a piece for Renegade Handmade's upcoming HOOT group show and contest. Here's a sneak peek:

And his owl-y backside:

The show starts in a week and voting for the contest begins September 11. Winner gets a free booth at their choice of Renegades! Yea!
Okay, dusting done, now, back to work. I'll let you know how it all goes soon.
Hearts and puppies,