Hey all! Just wanted to share the felt club fun with you all! I did a whole post about some of the other vendors I loved over at
CraftStylish but didn't really get to talk much about my day. A day that almost wasn't!
I woke up Saturday to find out about the fires down in Southern California, one of which had closed, I-5, my way to the show. I spent that day frantically getting ready and checking the internet, thankfully things opened up around 10pm (but I did plan an alternative route that took me around the fires but that would have taken me twice as long to reach my destination, just in case!).
Then I started packing the car. . . Tom and I had spent days working on a new display that looked like a tabletop felt fireplace! I drew out the plan and measured my car before we started making it, but as I was loading the car I learned something. . . I'd measured the inside of my two door car but forgot to measure the door opening! The only way I could get it in was with both of the front seats folded down (very hard for driving). I tried and tried but couldn't get it to work. Freaking out, I called my dad for his truck but, no luck, he was out of town. Then it hit me! Bungie cords! I called my mom, she came to my rescue (a perk of now living close to home), and the display was bungied into place. Success!
I woke up early (just in case I had to take the alt route) but Sunday was the day that things were gonna go my way! I got to the show fine. . . met with
Sarah. . . set up shop. . .

And was ready to get selling!
The show went really great. I met a ton of lovely people and was lucky enough to be interviewed and photographed by the
LA Times!

(Wish I didn't look so lumpy and tired but then again, I am a bit lumpy these days and I was very, very tired. I just wish I was photogenic. . . oh, well. . .)
I also had great sales, a big surprise with things the way they are. . . all in all, I had a very happy day!
Oh! I also got to meet DJ Lance Rock from
Yo Gabba Gabba! I love this show so much more than a person without children should, but it just makes me so happy when I watch it. Everything is so possible in the show which is a comfort for me these days. . . anyway. . . Yea DJ Lance!

And he bought the robot!
So yeah, overall, I'd say it was a very good day and a very good show!
Okay, better run, gotta get back to work for
Bazaar Bizarre on the 30th!
Hearts and puppies!