Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Fashion Beadz

As opposed as I am to the substitution of the letter z for the letter s in order to make something
"cooler" (I am equally opposed to the substitution of "k" for "c," as anything that claims to be "klassy" is truly the opposite) I can't help but love this product. It's as fun as it's name is cheesy!
My friend, Nikki, over at Cutting Edge, sent this stuff along to me with some other materials for summer issue projects. I was skeptical at first, turned off by that dreaded "z" but then I started to play with it. This stuff is great! It adds sparkly, shiny beads super fast without all that pesky sewing.
I doubt that the Beadz will ever appear on any of my imaginary boyfriends products (not quite our aesthetic) but boy oh boy is it sweet!
hearts and puppies,

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